Exciting updates are coming to the Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP) certification exams starting in October 2024. The exams will now cover the DAMA-DMBOK2 Revised Edition, an updated and improved version of the Data Management Body of Knowledge. This revised edition addresses known inconsistencies and inaccuracies, making it a more reliable and comprehensive resource for data management professionals. For those preparing for the CDMP certification, it's important to note that this revised edition will be the new reference material.
The DAMA-DMBOK2 Revised Edition has been created to ensure the content remains relevant and accurate for data management practitioners. DAMA International embarked on this update to improve upon the previous version, incorporating feedback from members and volunteers. The revised edition aims to provide a more consistent and precise framework, making it easier for professionals to understand and apply the principles of data management.
Key improvements in the DAMA-DMBOK2 Revised Edition include standardized terminology and acronyms, corrections of typos and errors, improvements to context diagrams, and enhancements to the Data Quality chapter. These updates ensure the content is not only accurate but also easier to comprehend and apply. The revised edition is available for purchase (and discounted for Professional Members) through DAMA-RMC at DMBoK.
For those currently preparing for the CDMP certification, you can continue using the DAMA-DMBOK 2nd Edition until October 2024. After that date, the revised edition will be the authoritative resource.
We encourage you to join one of our upcoming 30-minute informational sessions on the CDMP Study Group during the week of August 26th. You can also enroll in our 12-week virtual study program which will start in September. To enroll in the study program, you must be a Professional Member anyone can attend the informational sessions. We also have a self-paced study option available.
Information session links:
- Tuesday, August 27 at 6pm MST
- Wednesday, August 28 at 12:30 MST
For more information, please contact jhorner@dama-rockymountainchapter.org or visit the CDMP Webpage. Additionally, please update your DAMA RMC profile to indicate your interest in the CDMP so we can keep you update to date on all things DMBoK and CDMP.